Prof. Dr. phil.
Mark Schweda
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

Christian Thiel/Deutscher Ethikrat
Focus of the commitment in the German Ethics Council
- Medical ethics
- Gerontological ethics
- Ethics of technology and science
Professional background
- Since 2018 Professor for Ethics in Medicine and Head of the Department of Ethics in Medicine at the Department of Health Services Research, Faculty VI – Medicine and Health Sciences, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
- 2015–2018 Research Assistant at the Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, University Medical Center Göttingen
- 2015 Habilitation at the Faculty of Medicine, Georg-August University Göttingen (Venia Legendi for Ethics, Theory and History of Medicine)
- 2014–2015 Junior Research Fellow for the Ethics of Living at the Lichtenberg-Kolleg Göttingen / Göttingen Institute for Advanced Study
- 2006–2013 Research Assistant at the Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, University Medical Center Göttingen
- 2012 Visiting Scholar at the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
- 2012 PhD at the Faculty of Philosophy I, Humboldt University of Berlin
- Studies of Philosophy and German Philology in Berlin and Nottingham
- Since 2022 Member of the German Ethics Council
- Since 2018 Advisor on Philosophy of the publishing house J.B. Metzler
- 2016 Habilitation award of the Faculty of Medicine, Georg-August University Göttingen
- 2014 Karl Alber Prize of the Philosophical Yearbook
- 2013 Wolf Erich Kellner Memorial Prize of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Selected publications
- Pfaller, L.; Schweda, M. (ed.) (2024): „Successful Aging“? Leitbilder des Alterns in der Diskussion, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Wiesemann, C.; Schweda, M. (ed.) (2023): Medizin und die Zeitstruktur guten Lebens = Ethik in der Medizin, 35 (1).
- Rimon-Zarfaty, N.; Schweda, M. (ed.) (2022): Biomedicine and life sciences as a challenge to human temporality = Topical collection of History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
- Ellerich-Groppe, N.; Pfaller, L.; Schweda, M. (2021): Young for old – old for young? Ethical perspectives on intergenerational solidarity and responsibility in public discourses on COVID-19. European Journal of Ageing, 18 (2), 159–171. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-021-00623-9
- Schweda, M.; Coors, M.; Bozzaro, C. (ed.) (2020): Aging and Human Nature. Perspectives from Philosophical, Theological, and Historical Anthropology. Cham: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-25097-3
- Beier, K.; Schweda, M.; Schicktanz, S. (2019): Taking patient involvement seriously: A critical ethical analysis of participatory approaches in data-intensive medical research. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19, 90. DOI: 10.1186/s12911-019-0799-7