AI in the Classroom – Ethical Questions on ChatGPT and Similar Applications

Wed, 13. December 2023, 17:30 - 19:00
AI systems can now effortlessly write meaningful texts, answer complex questions, create images and do much more. Applications of generative AI such as ChatGPT are increasingly finding their way into classrooms and posing new challenges for the school system. How can teachers assess whether and how AI has helped pupils with their homework or other graded tasks? How can the use of such tools support educational processes and when might it hinder learning success or creativity? How can a sensible approach to generative AI be taught and put into practice at school?
In its Opinion “Humans and Machines – Challenges of Artificial Intelligence” published in March 2023, the German Ethics Council already analysed how AI affects human self-concept and interactions, placing a particular focus on education in schools. Accordingly, the key question for an ethical evaluation is whether human authorship and the conditions for responsible action are expanded or diminished by the use of AI.
Against this background, the web event will look at the impact of the new possibilities of generative AI in schools. The focus will be on the following questions:
- What is new and special about ChatGPT and other generative AI applications – especially with regard to the school setting?
- Where and how are such applications already being used by teachers and learners?
- What impact do they have on educational processes, objectives and concepts?
- What are opportunities and risks of generative AI for schools and education?
Please switch to the German version of this website for more information on the programme.