Ad hoc recommendation

Suicide prevention instead of suicide support. Reminder of a demand by the German Ethics Council on the occasion of a decision by the Federal Administrative Court

Published: 1 June 2017

In June 2017, the German Ethics Council published its Ad hoc Recommendation "Suicide prevention instead of suicide support. Reminder of a demand by the German Ethics Council on the occasion of a decision by the Federal Administrative Court". In this, the majority of the Council recommends that the required respect for individual decisions regarding the end of one's own life should not be accompanied by a state obligation to provide support, thereby contradicting the Federal Administrative Court's ruling of 2 March 2017.

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    Suizidprävention statt Suizidunterstützung. Erinnerung an eine Forderung des Deutschen Ethikrates anlässlich einer Entscheidung des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts

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    Ad hoc recommendation

    Suicide prevention instead of suicide support. Reminder of a demand by the German Ethics Council on the occasion of a decision by the Federal Administrative Court
