Ad hoc recommendation

Transgender Identity in Children and Adolescents: Therapeutic Controversies – Ethical Orientation

Published: 21 February 2020

For several years now, there has been an increase in the number of children and young people who feel a conflict between the sex attributed to them by civil law and their gender identity. In February 2020, the German Ethics Council took this as an opportunity to dedicate an evening event in the “Bioethics Forum” series to the topic of “Transgender Identity in Children and Adolescents”. In the light of the expert opinions heard on that occasion, the Ethics Council subsequently published an Ad hoc Recommendation setting out a number of ethical principles that provide guidance, in particular, for the controversies surrounding therapeutic measures which are being considered in the context of transgender identity in children and young people.

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    Trans-Identität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Therapeutische Kontroversen – ethische Orientierungen


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    Trans-Identität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Therapeutische Kontroversen – ethische Orientierungen

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    Ad hoc recommendation

    Transgender Identity in Children and Adolescents: Therapeutic Controversies – Ethical Orientation


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    Ad hoc recommendation

    Transgender Identity in Children and Adolescents: Therapeutic Controversies – Ethical Orientation